Why solar panels are the obvious choice.
Adding solar in South Australia is a no-brainer. STC government rebates, solar feed-in tariffs, and over 2,500 hours of sun a year means the return on investment on a solar installation is the highest in Australia.
Why Solar?What size solar system is right for me?
There are many things to consider when choosing solar. How often are you at home? Are you looking to add batteries? How much are your current power bills? Start by learning about one of the most common system sizes (6.6kW), or find out what works for you.
Learn about 6.6kWSolar batteries. Your next step towards grid independence.
Rather than selling your excess generated power back to the grid, batteries let you store it and use it when you need it most. Battery storage is typically modular, expandable and can be added to most existing solar systems.
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